Sunday, February 22, 2009

Using a Realtor® to Purchase a New Home

Why should I use an Agent to purchase a new home?

The advantages of having The Jason Team help you purchase a new home are the same as those for purchasing a resale home…knowledge of the market, help in finding the perfect home quickly, expertise in contract writing/negotiation, and closing assistance. The builder has a professional representative watching out for his needs, and you need the same expert representation.

Buying a new home is a little more difficult and time-consuming than buying a resale. The Jason Team can professionally guide you through this process. The Jason Team has experience working with builders, has access to a database of information about subdivisions, floor plans, etc. The Jason Team is also familiar with new home warranties and builders purchase contracts.

It is very important that your interests be professionally represented when you are entering into a contract for a semi-custom or build-to-suit home. These transactions are complex and the contract details must be exact in order to protect you and to ensure you get exactly the home you want!

Is there any advantage to not using an Agent to purchase a new home?

No. There is no financial advantage for you to buy directly from the builder. Builders have a "single-price" policy, meaning you will be charged the same price whether your interests are represented by an Agent or not. Just as in any resale, the Seller pays your Agent's fee.

REMEMBER – the Builder requires that your Agent accompany you on your first visit to the Builder's sales office, or they will NOT PAY your representative's fee!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Preparing Your Home For Sale

A few great tips on creating an atmosphere that will charm buyers and make them want

to buy your home. Remember that you'll never get another chance to make a first impression. And first impressions are what count! Follow these simple tips and create the competitive edge that may help you sell your home more quickly.

Drive-up Appeal

  • Trim trees and shrubs, clean out flower beds and invest in a few flats of seasonal flowers, paint the front door, make sure doorbell is working properly, wash the mailbox, keep the porch swept and get an attractive mat for people to wipe their feet.

Absolute Basics

  • Start by airing out the home. Most people are turned off by even the smallest odor. Odors must be eliminated, especially those caused by dogs and cats; soiled diapers and/or cigarettes.
  • Wash all the windows in the home, inside and out.
  • If it has been over a year since the carpets have been cleaned, now is the time to have them cleaned. Bare floors should also be waxed or polished.
  • Put bright light bulbs in every socket made for a bulb. Buyers like bright & cheery.
  • Clean out closets, cabinets and drawers. Closets should look like they have enough room to hold additional items. Get everything off the floor and don't have the shelves piled to the ceiling. Rent a storage bin, if necessary.
  • Make sure rooms are not overcrowded with furniture. Select pieces that look best, and store the rest.
  • Keep the kitchen sparking clean. Make sure all appliances are clean at all times. Straighten cupboards that appear cluttered and keep floors gleaming.
  • Bath tubs, showers and sinks should be freshly caulked. The grout should be clean and in good condition. There should be no leaks in the faucet or traps.

A few more suggestions…

  • If you have limited counter space in the kitchen, keep unnecessary items put away.
  • Keep children's toys out of the front yard, sidewalks and front porch.
  • Clean the ashes out of the fireplace.
  • Make sure that the pull-down staircase is working correctly. Be sure there is a light in the attic.
  • The pool needs to be sparking and free of leaves.

For those willing to go the extra mile…

  • There are some things you can do that will really add flair to your home. If your house is the least bit dated, removing wallpaper in the entry, kitchen or bathrooms and replacing outdated light fixtures adds desirability.
  • Fresh paint on interior and/or exterior where needed.
  • New appliances in the kitchen can be an exciting feature that can actually make the difference in a buyer choosing your home over another.

Showing your home…

  • When you leave the house in the morning or during the day, leave it as if you know it is going to be shown.
  • Keep good scents in the house, such as potpourri or simmering pots or candles.
  • Make sure all the lights are on and window treatments are open.
  • Turn off the television.
  • Keep pets out of the way – preferably out of the house. Many people are uncomfortable around some animals and may even be allergic to them.
  • Leave your premises. Take a short break while your home is being shown. Buyers are intimidated when sellers are present and tend to hurry through the house. Let the buyer be at ease, and let the agents do their job.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why the Jason Team?

  • Working with The Jason Team can save you endless amounts of time, money and frustration.
  • The Jason Team knows the housing market inside and out and can help you avoid many a "wild goose chase."
  • The Jason Team can help you with any house even if it is listed elsewhere, or is being sold by the owner directly.
  • The Jason Team knows the best lenders in the area; He/She can help you get pre-approved for a mortgage; and discuss down payments, closing costs, and monthly payment options.
  • The Jason Team is an excellent source for general information about the community, specific information about schools, churches, shopping, transportation, plus tips on house inspections and pricing.
  • The Jason Team is experienced at presenting your offer to the homeowner and can help you through the process of negotiating the best deal. He/She brings objectivity to the buying transaction, and can point out advantages and disadvantages of a particular property.

And the BEST thing is that all this help normally won't cost you a cent. Generally, the seller pays the commission to Realtors®. However, that doesn't affect The Jason Team's dedication or the spirit of teamwork that he/she will put into helping you find and buy the home of your dreams. After all, his/her success depends on your success.