Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don’t Get Swept Away When Shopping

When touring homes you will find that there are many beautiful homes on the market. There are two things you must do before looking at homes.

  1. Find out from your lender how much you qualify to spend on the home, and get pre-approved for your loan. It is very easy to become excited about features found in homes out of your price range. Before you get your heart set on that big, tree-shaded colonial on the hill, you need to pin down your financial details. Only then will you know if you can afford Willow Crest, or if it makes more sense to aim for Shady Hollow.
  2. Take a moment to decide what features are "Requirements" (location, basement, number of bedrooms, eating space, architectural style, garage, etc…) and which features are "Extras" (fireplace, walk-in closets, wet bar, pool, siding, vaulted ceilings, deck, landscaping, etc…). There are many different features in homes that range from necessary to luxury. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a beautiful home loaded with amenities. It is important that you select a home that truly meets all or most of your requirements first and foremost!

As you tour homes, check back to the list to make sure the home meets your requirements. The extras should only come into play when you make your final decision between homes that meet all or most of your requirements.

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